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Becker's Hospital Review: Millennials show promise as most active philanthropic  givers in 2021: 4 Takeaways

Source:  Becker's Hospital Review

Millennials are often more likely to donate to philanthropic causes than their counterparts, two new surveys show. 

For the first survey, the fundraising software provider FrontStream  surveyed  1,005 adults between Dec. 12-14, 2020.

A second survey from the marketing company Data Axle polled 1,215 adults in August 2020.

Four takeaways from the surveys:

1. Fifty-five percent of millennials said in the FrontStream survey they plan to give at least $500 in 2021. Forty-four percent of Gen X's plan to donate, followed by Gen Z (33 percent) and Baby Boomers (26 percent).

2. Millennials are more likely to continue to donate throughout the year for causes they care about, according to FrontStream. Overall, 87 percent of respondents said they give annually. Forty-four percent of Millennials reported giving quarterly, compared to 42 percent of Gen Z respondents. Gen X and Baby Boomers were more likely to give two to three times a year.

3. In Data Axle's survey, 48 percent of respondents ages 18-29 and 41 percent of those ages 30-44 said they donated to philanthropic causes monthly. Only 27.9 percent of donors ages 45-60 and 29.3 percent of those over 60 reported the same.

4. FrontStream found donors were most likely to support health charities (43 percent ), followed by child-focused charities (42 percent), wildlife/animal charities (34 percent) and social justice charities (27 percent).

View the entire post here.

About FrontStream: 

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FrontStream is mission-focused on helping registered nonprofits and corporations raise more funds for causes that effect positive change. Its complete suite of products includes Panorama, an all-in-one digital fundraising platform for managing, planning, processing and promoting fundraising events. Auctions created in Panorama are deployed and hosted on BiddingForGood, the nonprofit industry’s top donor destination site for participating in auctions happening right now. FrontStream’s fully integrated PCI level 1 compliant payment processing platform securely processes billions of dollars in transactions annually. More than 100,000 charities in North America have used FrontStream to power their digital fundraising efforts.

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Topics: fundraising trend predictions, fundraising trends, nonprofit trends, research

In The News

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris. Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim venin do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore.

Becker's Hospital Review: Millennials show promise as most active philanthropic  givers in 2021: 4 Takeaways

Posted by FrontStream on Feb 18, 2021 9:44:00 AM

Source:  Becker's Hospital Review

Millennials are often more likely to donate to philanthropic causes than their counterparts, two new surveys show. 

For the first survey, the fundraising software provider FrontStream  surveyed  1,005 adults between Dec. 12-14, 2020.

A second survey from the marketing company Data Axle polled 1,215 adults in August 2020.

Four takeaways from the surveys:

1. Fifty-five percent of millennials said in the FrontStream survey they plan to give at least $500 in 2021. Forty-four percent of Gen X's plan to donate, followed by Gen Z (33 percent) and Baby Boomers (26 percent).

2. Millennials are more likely to continue to donate throughout the year for causes they care about, according to FrontStream. Overall, 87 percent of respondents said they give annually. Forty-four percent of Millennials reported giving quarterly, compared to 42 percent of Gen Z respondents. Gen X and Baby Boomers were more likely to give two to three times a year.

3. In Data Axle's survey, 48 percent of respondents ages 18-29 and 41 percent of those ages 30-44 said they donated to philanthropic causes monthly. Only 27.9 percent of donors ages 45-60 and 29.3 percent of those over 60 reported the same.

4. FrontStream found donors were most likely to support health charities (43 percent ), followed by child-focused charities (42 percent), wildlife/animal charities (34 percent) and social justice charities (27 percent).

View the entire post here.

About FrontStream: 

FrontStream Color Tagline

FrontStream is mission-focused on helping registered nonprofits and corporations raise more funds for causes that effect positive change. Its complete suite of products includes Panorama, an all-in-one digital fundraising platform for managing, planning, processing and promoting fundraising events. Auctions created in Panorama are deployed and hosted on BiddingForGood, the nonprofit industry’s top donor destination site for participating in auctions happening right now. FrontStream’s fully integrated PCI level 1 compliant payment processing platform securely processes billions of dollars in transactions annually. More than 100,000 charities in North America have used FrontStream to power their digital fundraising efforts.

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Topics: fundraising trend predictions, fundraising trends, nonprofit trends, research

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