The table below displays all allowable characters (unless otherwise noted) that are accepted by the Payment Server. Characters are displayed in Courier New font. All other characters may cause undesirable results.

Table 1. Valid Data Characters

DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character DEC HEX Character
32 20 Space 63 3F ? 96 60 `
33 21 ! 64 40 @ 97 61 a
34 22 65 42 A 98 62 b
35 23 # 66 42 B 99 63 c
36 24 $ 67 43 C 100 64 d
37 25 % 68 44 D 101 65 e
38 26 & 69 45 E 102 66 f
39 27 70 46 F 103 67 g
40 28 ( 71 47 G 104 68 h
41 29 ) 72 48 H 106 69 i
42 2A * 73 49 I 106 6A j
43 2B + 74 4A J 107 6B k
44 2C , 75 4B K 108 6C l
45 2D 76 4C L 109 6D m
46 2E . 77 4D M 110 6E n
47 2F / 78 4E N 111 6F o
48 30 0 79 4F O 112 70 p
49 31 1 80 50 P 113 71 q
50 32 2 81 51 Q 114 72 r
51 33 3 82 52 R 115 73 s
52 34 4 83 53 S 116 74 t
53 35 5 84 54 T 117 75 u
54 36 6 85 55 U 118 76 v
55 37 7 86 56 V 119 77 w
56 38 8 87 57 W 120 78 x
57 39 9 88 58 X 121 79 y
58 3A : 89 59 Y 122 7A z
59 3B ; 90 5A Z 123 7B {
60 3C < 92 5C \ 124 7C |
61 3D = 94 5E ^ 125 7D }
62 3E > 95 5F _ 126 7E ~

Character Removal
The table below displays all acceptable characters that must be removed by the Payment Server before submitting information to the Web Service operations. See each input parameter for each Web Service operation in order to know which input parameters will have these characters removed. This character removal ensures that the Payment Servers’ internal XML parsers can properly read the information of the Web Service operation. Characters in the table are displayed in Courier New font.

Many XML Parsers will encode these characters for you. In this case, the characters will not be converted back to their proper values by the Payment Server; they will be taken literally. Also, if you pass the encoded character through an input parameter that removes the characters listed in the table below, then certain characters may be removed (see examples below). However, if you are not using a parser, or if the parser does not handle this encoding, then the characters in the table listed below may still be removed, depending on the input parameter for the Web Service operation you are using.

Table 2. XML Character Removal 

Character XML Parser Encoding
< &lt;
> &gt;
& &amp;

The following example shows how characters would be removed if the data was passed through the NameOnCard parameter of the ProcessCreditCard operation.

Valid: John James
Invalid: John & James becomes John James
Invalid: John &amp; James becomes John amp; James