
This Web service tokenizes provided card information using the a ClientSessionID gathered from the GetClientSession Web service and returns the token as a CCInfoKey. The URL to access this Web service is:

Descriptions of the parameters are listed below:

Parameter Value


Required: ClientSessionID value generated by GetClientSession Web service
CcAccountNum  Required: Credit Card account number to tokenize
CcExpDate Required: Credit Card expiration date to tokenize
CcNameOnCard Optional: Name on Credit Card to tokenize
CcStreet Optional: Cardholder’s billing address street
CcZip Optional: Cardholder’s billing address ZIP code
FirstName Optional: Cardholder’s First Name for the customer profile
LastName  Optional: Cardholder’s Last Name for the customer profile


The following table contains sample data you can use to test this Web service. The ClientSessionID must be generated via the GetClientSession Web service on a per session basis, so the value below should be changed when testing this example.

Parameter Value


CcAccountNum 5454545454545454
CcExpDate 1225
CcNameOnCard Fname Lname
CcStreet 123 Test Street
CcZip 20191
FirstName Fname
LastName Lname



<RecurringResult xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">






<error>CCInfoKey generated successfully</error>


