United Way Day of Action 2016: Improve lives, strengthen communities


Every year around June 21st, volunteers from around the globe come together to help nurture United Way’s mission of improving quality of life in communities everywhere. This day of philanthropy is called the United Way Day of Action, and last year, over 300 communities and thousands of volunteers were all hands on deck to tackle global issues like hunger, obesity, and literacy.


Some organizations have already participated in their Day of Action 2016 by making summer reading backpacks, cleaning up community playgrounds, and volunteering at local food banks. It’s not too late to participate in your own day of action! Below is a list ways you can get involved and make a difference in your community - and by the way, this list is good 365 days a year!

  • No matter where you live, there are always nonprofits and organizations in need of help. Choose a cause you care about and look for opportunities to volunteer in your community.
  • Go directly to the source and ask your Local United Way for ways that you can help.
  • Share your volunteering efforts or the work of others on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter using the hashtag #DayofAction.
  • Look for other opportunities to volunteer by following the #DayofAction hashtag.
  • Raise awareness of issues facing your community by sharing them on social media or starting a volunteer or fundraising campaign of your own.

Mei Cobb, director of Volunteer & Employee Engagement at United Way Worldwide, says, “Day of Action is an opportunity to invite and inspire volunteers from throughout our communities to join United Way in addressing pressing challenges in education, financial stability and health. Day of Action showcases the impact that United Way volunteers can have on a single day around the world, demonstrates what is possible on 364 other days of the year, and unifies and builds stronger communities.”

How will you celebrate on this day of action? Document your efforts on twitter using the hashtag #DayofAction!


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